Bohemia e C&A
Crispin Porter + Bogusky
Bohemia e C&A
Crispin Porter + Bogusky
As Brazil's first brewery, Bohemia is part of their bar tradition. But there's no bar tradition bigger than using your shirt to open the bottle. It's something that's been ruining clothes since forever.
Knowing that, Bohemia partnered with C&A – one of the country's largest fashion brands – to launch a clothing line with strengthened cloth in the areas people use to open beer caps. A collab to solve that problem and keep t-shirts as good as new.
Knowing that, Bohemia partnered with C&A – one of the country's largest fashion brands – to launch a clothing line with strengthened cloth in the areas people use to open beer caps. A collab to solve that problem and keep t-shirts as good as new.